Monday, March 2, 2009

Ouch! Ryan's first live shrapnel burn - week of 02/23/09

Ryan sent us this photo from his cell phone. This was the result of 2 pieces of shrapnel landing on his neck on 2 separate occasions on the same day, oddly enough. He said it hurt like hell. However, we must remember that "Pain is weakness leaving the body," according to the Marines! Ooh-Rah!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ryan Mack-1st person-last row-Boot Camp, Fox Co., Plt. 2130. 12/2008

Announcement - Ryan Graduates as Marine (published 02/09/2009)

Richard & Lynn Mack
376 12th Street
Manistee, MI 49660

PHOTO CAPTION: Local Man Graduates United States Marine Corps Boot Camp

Pvt. Ryan Joseph Mack of Muncie, Indiana (formerly of Manistee, Michigan) graduated from United States Marine Corps boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego on 01/23/2009. Pvt. Mack successfully completed 13 weeks of intensive basic training at MCRD San Diego as one of approximately 80 recruits in Training Platoon 2130. Pvt. Mack’s Marine Corps recruit basic training included training in bayonet assault course, pugil sticks, martial arts, rappelling, weapon safety and technique, firing live rounds, the confidence course, intensive physical training, simulating tactical scenarios and, finally, the Crucible -- 54 continuous hours of physical and mental challenges, which culminated in being awarded his Eagle, Globe and Anchor medal.

Graduation followed the next week. Attending Pvt. Mack’s graduation ceremony in San Diego were his parents, Richard and Lynn Mack, and his maternal grandmother, Jeanette Smock, all of Manistee, as well as his best friend, Dale Edmondson, III, of Traverse City area.

While in basic training, Pvt. Mack was awarded a medal in marksmanship for scoring at the expert marksmanship level as well as scoring extremely high in the swimming challenge. As a result of these high scores, Pvt. Mack’s Military Occupation Specialty School assignment (MOS) was changed to an Amphibious Assault Vehicle Crewman. While in basic training, Pvt. Mack obtained a MCRD “Certificate of Attendance” by choosing to attend a minimum of 6 Catholic Faith Classes in which the following topics were covered: General Catholic beliefs, Sacraments, Catholic morality, and tradition and Scripture. Following 10 days’ home leave, he reported to Indianapolis, Indiana, for 7 days of Recruiting Assignment. Following that, Pvt. Mack reports to Camp Pendleton in San Diego for 1 month at Marine Combat Training, then Military Occupation Specialty School (MOS) to study his area of specialization. Pvt. Mack’s duty station following his training at Camp Pendleton is unknown at this time.

Pvt. Mack is the son of Richard and Lynn Mack of Manistee, MI. His maternal grandmother is Jeanette Smock, also of Manistee. His paternal grandparents are Robert and Phyllis Mack of Manistee (deceased).

Letter to Ryan for The Crucible 01-09-2009



My son. My firstborn. I would gladly lay down my life for you. When I think of the pain and discomforts that you are going through while I am safe and warm and dry, it causes my throat to swell and tears to fill my eyes. I know you have your reasons for doing it, and I know I encouraged you (maybe “pushed” is a better word), but the one reason that tugs at my heartstrings the most is because you want to make me proud of you.

Oh, my son; don’t you know that I am already so proud of you and that I have always been proud of you? From the moment we knew you would arrive in this world, you have made me so very proud and happy. Yes, there were moments when I wanted to bonk you on the head and moments I did bonk you on the head, but overall I am so very happy you are my son and so proud of you.

I want to talk a bit about the crucible. You know that poem “Footprints in the Sand”? Well, there will be 2 sets of footprints in the sand while you are in crucible, but neither one will be yours. For Jesus will be carrying you through the roughest parts, but I will be walking right alongside him (probably telling him not to drop you -- lol).

During your participation in the crucible, you will be hungry. I will be home, feeling guilty about eating my warm dinner. You will have cold, wet feet while I am thinking I should take off either my socks or my slippers so I can at least share in my feet feeling a little cold like yours are. You may even have blisters on your feet and probably no Band-Aids to put on them. You will have 4 hours of sleep per night if you are lucky. I will feel guilty that I'll be able to snuggle down into my soft, warm bed while you are barely able to sleep. I suppose I could even take a nap if I wanted to. How selfish. All this, while you are so close to obtaining your anchor, eagle and globe. Oh, my son … that feeling you are going to have of such deep, intense pride when you climb that ‘Grim Reaper’ to see the United States Flag at the top of the Reaper is going to be the most amazing thing you will probably ever feel in your life. Just know that while I am at home, I will be thinking of you, praying for you, for your safety and your perseverance. Know that I will be with you every step of the way. Talk to me in your mind and I will answer you. More importantly, talk to God. You have been brought up to know God. Now is your time to form an actual relationship with Him. What better place for you to “find Jesus” than in the Marines? I know that while you are finding Him, He has always had his hand on your shoulder.

I wish I could take away some of your pain. I would gladly feel it so you wouldn’t have to. But then, that’s part of what becoming a Marine is all about. I want you to know that I am so very, very proud of you and I love you more than you will ever know.

You definitely are so close to being one of the Few, the Proud, the Marines. I'll bet you can almost taste it. Hang in there, my son. I will pray that your Guardian Angels take extra time to be with you on that hill and on that course, come the Crucible. I know, I just KNOW, you can do this. You’re Polish, you’re German, you’re a Mack, and you’re nearly a Marine.

You are always in my thoughts, prayers and in my heart.


Your mom.